Play To Earn Gameplay Loop

Our P2E gameplay loop is designed to be accessible to all audiences and streamlined to gradually introduce traditional gamers to blockchain gaming

  1. Traditional gamers are onboard through traditional user acquisition incentivised by an inherently fun and enjoyable game

  2. Small amounts of Chaos Shards will be provided to all players through daily/weekly missions to give them a taste of play to earn functionality

  3. Play to earn gamers and scholars are onboarded through partnership with guild and crypto marketing

  4. Players that want to cash out their in-game earnings will purchase/hold an NFT to convert between Chaos Shards and Chaos Orbs

  5. Crypto investors and enthusiast are onboarded to support token demand incentivized by the project potential, staking rewards and governance

  6. Players can cash out their Chaos Orbs by trading on secondary markets

  7. Players who want to continue playing and earning will have to buy more Chaos Orbs to convert into Chaos Shards to use in-game

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